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The whole topic "Mars Mission" may sound crazy at first, but we at Einfach Genial gGmbH can provide you with ideal support in your career orientation. Enter into the gaming world of the Mars Mission!

Here are some facts:

The Mars Mission is a concept for in-depth, inclusive career orientation. This works through the development of life and work environments with analog and digital design tools in real and virtual spaces.
The focus is on "agile working" with "digital tools".


We want to shape the world of tomorrow together. In interactions with various companies, public institutions, our team from Einfach Genial and you, dear participants, various important strands intertwine.

Especially in times like these, real career orientation is not possible, which is why virtual space is so important. The Mars Mission will offer you the opportunity to advance your career orientation - so away from binge-watching your favorite series, playing Animal Crossing or watching videos on TikTok for hours, it's time to do something for our future.

"On Mars" you can find out about companies and their practical everyday work and take an active part in it. You have the opportunity to get to know processes without having to do an internship. So what are you waiting for...

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